Monday, January 09, 2012

1st bday cake

Vincent's 1st birthday cake!


Rebecca's bracelet:
Jessica's bracelet:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today, 2.5 miles in about 40-45 minutes.  Tonight I'm making spinach-feta pasta for dinner...indulging my vegetarian daughter for a change.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


walking 40 minutes -- 2 miles or so
-4 pounds in the past month
oatmeal for breakfast
1/2 fried chicken breast
pack of crackers
cole slaw

Yeah, I have started exercising again!  Went to the dr this morning and found out i've lost 4 pounds without too much effort on my part.  I guess I am inspired or something.  Also, the medicine combo I am taking now for depression seems to be working.  I know that exercising on a regular basis will also help improve my mood.

The kids only have a week or so more of school.  I can't wait for that!  Should be a nice summer of sitting poolside....relaxing!

Friday, April 03, 2009


I've been experiencing increasingly-bad headaches lately.  I've had migraines in the past, but not for quite some time--in fact I can't even find my imitrex Rx, although I know I have it somewhere!

My recent headaches are accompanied by weird smells.  Specifically a burnt smell.  It's almost as if the smell and the headache are melded into one sensation.  I feel certain that if I could dispel the odor, the headache would also go away-- although intellectually I doubt that it would happen that way.  This has been going on for some time, but I've just now fully realized that the odor I am smelling isn't actually present (no one else can smell it, anyway).  My migraines/headaches have always been triggered by smells (Downy fabric softener is the worst!).  And I also have a very keen sense of smell in general--meaning I can almost always smell something before anyone else can.  But I have not been conscious of odor "hallucinations" before this.

Well, I'll be off to the doctor on Monday.  Wish these kinds of things didn't ALWAYS occur to me on a Friday evening!  

Sunday, March 29, 2009

This is the first pastel drawing I've done.  I enjoyed it, although I do not think I have a great sense of color by any means.  

random sketch from my sketchbook.  If you like Indigo Girls music, you might recognize it:


I used to post about what I ate.  that was a LONG time ago.  Now I eat just what I like, and you know what?  I weigh the same now as I always have.  go figure!!

I am going to post some of my artwork here.  yay me!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

well shit

I have talked myself into going back to grad school to get my master's. I've studied for the GRE (don't think it will be a problem), lined up my three references, even filled out the entire application online (took me days). However, I have encountered a stumbling block--and I have only until 11/1 to straighten this out for next semester.

What is my stumbling block? Why, I have to write an entrance essay....and my entire topic is "personal statement." How the fuck do you even begin to write an essay with such non-specific guidelines????

I figure I can get away with 5 paragraphs....but I have so little to say. How on earth do I fill those paragraphs? I have been a housewife for the past 7 years. I am not going back to school to further my "career" as it were...I just want to keep myself busy and learn some new stuff. And maybe meet some folks. And actually have adult conversation.

Soooooo......if anyone has any suggestions for me, feel free to chime right in!